As we all know, Deployment Server only allows a computer to be a member of one computer group (I believe GSS 3.0 may well resolve this issue), which means that you may find that the computers that you need to target with a special job are located within a number of computer groups, each also containing computers that should not receive this special job.
Now, when using either Notification Server or the Symantec Management Platform (depending upon your Altiris version), you can easily achieve this by creating the required collection/filter as computers can be members of more than one collection/filter.
Lets just say that you do not use Software Delivery Solution, wouldn't it be great if you could target computers that reside in a specific collection/filter with a DS job?
The good news is that this is indeed possible by utilising DS's custom data source and custom token features.
Step 1: Create the custom data source
Pressing [OK] saves this custom data source and then pressing [OK] in the Program Options dialog closes that window.
Step 2: Create a custom token to be used by a job condition
%#NS6SP3*"SELECT '.' FROM CollectionMembership cm INNER JOIN Inv_AeX_AC_Identification id ON id._ResourceGuid = cm.ResourceGuid INNER JOIN Item i ON i.Guid = cm.CollectionGuid WHERE i.Name = 'Computers' AND id.Name='%COMPNAME%'"%
The Item table has been chosen instead of the vCollection view, as vCollection utilises vItem which takes data from Item directly.
The collection I chose was created by the AD Import process; however, any collection can be targeted.
Step 3: Add the required tasks to this condition.
Step 4: Target the All Computers group with this job.
Any computer that is identified by the conditions custom token will run the tasks for that condition. Any computer that isn't identified by this custom token condition will be targeted by the default condition, which in this case does not have any tasks so those machines will do nothing.
Although this example was created within an Altiris 6.x environment, the same principal can be used within an Altiris 7.x infrastructure.