As the 7.1.2 MP1.1 v7RU Console does not contain any reports that display this information, the following two queries will help you achieve this goal:
-- display all privileges associated with one (or more) security roles.
declare @my_role varchar(max)
-- set @my_role='%Security Role%'
set @my_role='symantec admin%'
select [Role], [Solution], spdg.NameRef [Privilege Type], sp.Name [Privilege]
-- , st.Trustee
from SecurityRole vsr
left join SecurityPrivilegeTrustee spt on spt.TrusteeGuid = vsr.TrusteeGuid
left join securityprivilege sp on sp.guid = spt.PrivilegeGuid
left join securityprivilegedisplaygroup spdg on spdg.guid = sp.DisplayGroupGuid
left join vitem v5 on v5.guid = spdg.Solution
-- left join SecurityTrustee st on st.guid = vsr.TrusteeGuid
where like @my_role
order by [Role], [Solution], [Privilege Type], [Privilege]
-- for a given security role
-- display all the non-inherited security permissions.
declare @my_role varchar(max)
-- set @my_role = '%Security_Role%'
set @my_role = 'symantec admin%'
declare @c1 table (
zRole varchar(max),
zGroup varchar(max),
zPerm varchar(max),
zInherited int,
zguid uniqueidentifier,
zItemName varchar (max),
zClassName varchar (max),
zParentGuid uniqueidentifier
-- get all the "easy" stuff abou each item.
insert into @c1
select sr.Name, spdg.NameRef ,,
sa.Inherited, sa.Entityguid,, c.Type, vif.ParentFolderGuid
SecurityRole sr
left join SecurityTrusteePermission stp on stp.TrusteeGuid = sr.TrusteeGuid
left join SecurityPermission sp on sp.guid = stp.PermissionGuid
left join SecurityPermissionDisplayGroup spdg on spdg.guid = sp.DisplayGroupGuid
join SecurityACENonResource sa ON sa.TrusteePermissionId = stp.[Id]
left join vitem v1 on v1.guid=sa.Entityguid
left join class c on c.guid = v1.ClassGuid
left join vItemFolder vif on vif.ItemGuid = sa.Entityguid
where like @my_role
and sa.Inherited = 0
-- select * from @c1 c1
-- now include the path to the item, this is faster after limiting to just non-inherited permissions
c1.zRole [Role],
(SELECT + '; '
FROM FolderBaseFolder fbf
left join vitem v2 on v2.guid=fbf.ParentFolderGuid
WHERE fbf.FolderGuid = c1.zParentGuid
and fbf.ParentFolderGuid <> '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
ORDER BY fbf.depth desc
) AS [Path],
c1.zItemName [Item],
-- c1.zClassName [ItemClass], c1.zguid [ItemGuid],
c1.zGroup [Permission Type], c1.zPerm [Permission]
from @c1 c1
group by c1.zRole, c1.zGroup, c1.zPerm, c1.zItemName, c1.zguid, c1.zParentGuid, c1.zClassName
order by c1.zRole, [path], c1.zItemName, c1.zGroup, c1.zPerm
delete @c1