With the new "Software Request Process" in ServiceDesk 8.1 there have been some new Reports added to the SMP.
If you login to a new SMP 8.1.
Reports | Service and Asset Management | ServiceDesk
- Delivery Policies for Software Release
- Filters for Target
- Releases for Software Product
Delivery Policies for Software Release
itmr.ParentItemGuid as PolicyGuid,
itm.Name as PolicyName
ItemReference itmr
INNER JOIN Item as itm on itm.[Guid] = itmr.ParentItemGuid
itmr.Hint='manageddelivery uses software resource'
and itmr.ChildItemGuid = '%releaseGuid%'
Filters for Target
itm1.Name as TargetName,
itm2.Name as CollectionName,
tf.FilterType as FilterType,
tf.Operation as Operation,
tfc.CollectionGuid as CollectionGuid
TargetFilter tf
inner join TargetFilterCollection tfc on tf.Guid = tfc.TargetFilterGuid
inner join Item itm1 on itm1.Guid = tf.ResourceTargetGuid
inner join Item itm2 on itm2.Guid = tfc.CollectionGuid
tf.ResourceTargetGuid = '%targetGuid%'
Releases for Software Product
DECLARE @raIdProductContainsComponent uniqueidentifier
SET @raIdProductContainsComponent = '9d67b0c6-beff-4fcd-86c1-4a40028fe483'
rel.[Guid] as ReleaseGuid,
rel.[Name] as ReleaseName
[RM_ResourceSoftware_Release] rel
INNER JOIN [ResourceAssociation] as raProductContainsComponent
INNER JOIN [vRM_Software_Product_Item] as prd
on raProductContainsComponent.ResourceAssociationTypeGuid = @raIdProductContainsComponent
and prd.[Guid] = raProductContainsComponent.ParentResourceGuid
on rel.[Guid] = raProductContainsComponent.ChildResourceGuid
prd.[Guid] = '%productGuid%'
This is used in the following Workflow:
Model: Delivery Authorization
Form: Delivery Authorization
SelectedFilter - Items
List Targets for Policy (Altiris7.WebServices.Scoping.GetResourceTargetsComponent)
- https://localhost/altiris/asdk.ns/ScopingManagementService.asmx?op=GetRe...
PolicyItemGuid: [SelectedPolicy.PolicyGuid]
Result: TargetsForPolicy
List Filters for Target (ServiceDesk.SoftwareRequest.Core.Components.ListFiltersForTargetComponent)
- Report in SMP
Target Guid: [EachTargetGuid]
ResultVariableName: FiltersForEachTarget
Mapping Component: Ticket Status: Authorized/Delivery
SelectedFilter - CollectionGuid gets mapped to RequestedSoftware - DeliverdByTargetId
Model: Delivery Flow
Embedded Rule Model: Deliver Software
Add target device to filter (Altiris7.WebServices.Collections.AddInclusionsComponent)
- https://localhost/altiris/asdk.ns/CollectionManagementService.asmx?op=AddExclusions
Collection Item Guid: [SoftwareTicket.DeliveredByTargetId]
Item Guids: [SoftwareTicket.TargetDeviceId]
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Useful SQL queries concerning Collections/Filters
Locate a Target's guid so that you can then update its membership