The following queries will allow you to see which collections/filters a resource belongs to, which resources are members of a collection/filter, which collections/filters are excluded from/included with a collection/filter, as well as which resources are excluded from/included with a collection/filter.
--/ Collections/Filters that a resource is a member of
SELECT vcoll.[Name] AS [Collection or Filter],vcoll.[Description]
FROM vCollection vcoll
JOIN CollectionMembership cm ON cm.CollectionGuid = vcoll.[Guid]
JOIN vComputer vcomp ON vcomp.[Guid] = cm.ResourceGuid
WHERE vcomp.[Name] = 'name of resource'
ORDER BY vcoll.[Name] ASC
--/ Resources that are members of a Collection/Filter
SELECT vcomp.[Name] AS [Resource]
FROM vComputer vcomp
JOIN CollectionMembership cm ON cm.ResourceGuid = vcomp.[Guid]
JOIN vCollection vcoll ON vcoll.[Guid] = cm.CollectionGuid
WHERE vcoll.[Name] = 'name of collection or filter'
ORDER BY vcomp.[Name] ASC
--/ Excluded collections
SELECT vcoll2.[Name] AS [Excluded Collection or Filter]
FROM vCollection vcoll2
JOIN CollectionExcludeCollection cec ON vcoll2.[Guid] = cec.SubCollectionGuid
JOIN vCollection vcoll1 ON vcoll1.[Guid] = cec.CollectionGuid
WHERE vcoll1.[Name] = 'name of collection or filter'
ORDER BY vcoll2.[Name] ASC
--/ Included collections
SELECT vcoll2.[Name] AS [Included Collection or Filter]
FROM vCollection vcoll2
JOIN CollectionIncludeCollection cic ON vcoll2.[Guid] = cic.SubCollectionGuid
JOIN vCollection vcoll1 ON vcoll1.[Guid] = cic.CollectionGuid
WHERE vcoll1.[Name] = 'name of collection or filter'
ORDER BY vcoll2.[Name] ASC
--/ Excluded resources
SELECT vcomp.[Name] AS [Excluded Resource]
FROM vComputer vcomp
JOIN CollectionExcludeResource cer ON vcomp.[Guid] = cer.ResourceGuid
JOIN vCollection vcoll ON vcoll.[Guid] = cer.CollectionGuid
WHERE vcoll.[Name] = 'name of collection or filter'
ORDER BY vcomp.[Name] ASC
--/ Included resources
SELECT vcomp.[Name] AS [Included Resource]
FROM vComputer vcomp
JOIN CollectionIncludeResource cir ON vcomp.[Guid] = cir.ResourceGuid
JOIN vCollection vcoll ON vcoll.[Guid] = cir.CollectionGuid
WHERE vcoll.[Name] = 'name of collection or filter'
ORDER BY vcomp.[Name] ASC